Opening a bank account is an intelligent decision for anyone wishing to take charge of their finances because it’s a crucial step in managing your personal finances and a necessary component of reaching financial independence and stability. Maintaining financial discipline and budgeting are essential for everyone, and having a bank account makes it easier to keep track of your earnings and expenses.
Requirements you will need to open the bank account
- A valid passport with at least six months remaining on it
- An extended visa to Cambodia for one year
- The amount of the account’s needed deposit
Certain banks will need other paperwork, such as
- An employment certificate
- A copy of your lease or proof of residency
- Business registration in Cambodia if you are self employed
- A passport-sized photo of yourself against a white background
If you have gathered all the necessary documents, you can proceed to the bank of your choice. Once you visit the bank, you can complete the account opening process. Provided that you meet the bank’s requirements and make the minimum initial deposit, you will be able to walk away with a new bank account and be all set to start using it.